about us
grand master In shik kim
founder and head master
Grand Master in Shik Kim
Master Kim founded I.S. Kim's MA in 1977.
He graduated from Yong In University, which is one of the top universities to study martial arts. Many Judo Olympic members are recruited from there.
Master Kim was also a former chairman of the Korean Judo Association (US) as well as an AAU Chairman in Iowa (TKD)

master jennifer kim

Jennifer Kim has over 29 years of martial arts experience and has competed and coach at the national and international level. She graduated UC Davis with a degree in Child Development. She specializes in working with children as young as 3. Her classes are focused on developing: personal sense of well being, managing emotions, good work ethic and motivation.
master joshua park
Joshua Park has been practicing martial arts for over 26 years. He graduated UC Davis with a degree in Economics. His expertise is teaching students technical and mental skills in self defense and sparring. He has competed and coached at the national and international level and has produced multiple national champions. His classes focus on developing: good character, explosiveness, proper technique, range of motion, and strategy. His goal is to help students develop their personal desire for excellence in martial arts and life.